Kedisiplinan Guru TK


  • Mahpujoh Mahpujoh TK Gembira Pondok Gede Kota Bekasi
  • Endin Nasrudin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
  • Yurna Yurna STAI Sukabumi


Teacher, Discipline, Principal Leadership


The teacher is a reflection of the characteristics of educational success. Teachers should provide good examples or examples to students, one of which is teacher discipline because it will affect the trust of all parties, because teachers are not only limited to teaching science but instilling values ??and attitudes and training students' skills. So that as a result there are many misunderstandings between teachers, parents, and students. This paper presents the results of research on teacher discipline in Pondokgede District, Bekasi City. The purpose of this study was to determine the discipline of teachers in Pondokgede District, Bekasi City. This research is a quantitative study with data collection techniques through questionnaires. The results of this study reveal that there is an effect of principal leadership, organizational culture, and teacher satisfaction on the discipline of kindergarten teachers in Pondokgede District, Bekasi City. Therefore, there needs to be efforts that can be made, among others, the principal understands his duties and functions, rewards teachers who have good performance, includes teachers in various trainings, creates a conducive work climate, develops various forms that lead to the emergence of organizational culture.


